Deflation Model
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In the Era of Web3, we believe in decentralized governance and Code is Law . After the game operates stably, part of the income from StarMon Metaverse will go to the community treasury department, and the SMON holders can exercise the governance right to manage and use the department when the governance structure is totally decentralized. While another part of the revenue from StarMon Metaverse will directly be used in the repurchase and burn of $SMON through contracts, which conduce to the continuous deflation of $SMON
Eg: Part of the total transaction revenue of Starmon Marketplace and revenue from Starmons breeding fee,etc.
Part of these revenues will directly be used in the repurchase and burn of $SMON through contracts.
Now, StarMon Marketplace only supports $BNB,4.5% of every transaction will be charged as the service fee.
1% automatically swap into $SMON and been burned;;
2% goes to StarMon community treasury account;
1.5% goes to YooShi agreement maintenance fee (10% belongs to YooShi developers for agreement maintenance, 40% goes into YooShi treasury, 50% swap into YooShi and been burned).
Current Operation of StarMon Marketplace
1% transaction service fee to repurchase $SMON
The situation of the breeding system and service fee:
At the current stage, the revenue of the summoning system consists of $SMON and $BNB, of which $SMON will go to the StarMon community treasury account, and $BNB will automatically swap into $SMON and go to the StarMon community treasury account.
StarMon Marketplace
Trading Service Fee Revenue Distribution:
StarMon Community Treasury:
YooShi Community Treasury:
Burning of $SMON: 000000000000000000000000000000000dead